Omni Micro Systems/ Omni Med Solutions GmbH/Inc.
Enabling Business Solutions Through Technology

Clinical Workflow Redesign

We specialize in clinical workflow mapping, design, engineering and re-engineering.  
We work with physicians, physician extenders (physician assistants and nurse practitioners) and other healthcare providers to make sure clinical workflows are efficient, safe, sound, quality-oriented, and care-enabling before, during and after any systems or technologies are implemented.

Business Process Redesign

While we specialize in clinical workflow redesign, we also can help other businesses with process redesign and re-engineering, especially to integrate information technology into their processes to make their work more efficient, staff more satisfied, improve the bottom line (save costs), and reduce the paper trail (go green!). We improve the processes before implementing the systems, to ensure redundant and inefficient processes are not duplicated within new systems.

The Importance of Clinical Workflows

Clinical workflow mapping gives a framework for knowing each step of care, from beginning to end. It documents the experience or “day-in-the-life” of a care encounter, between:

  • Patient
  • Care-giver (physician, nurse, pharmacist or other care provider)
  • Staff member
  • System

Clinical workflows need to be built into the system to ensure full usage of systems capabilities by the clinical users.

  • Ensure each member of the care team functions before any changes are made
  • Perform a “current state analysis” to document current workflows 
  • Evaluate clinical workflows and couple them with business workflows

Analyze the workflow for any changes BEFORE technology or systems are applied. We help you to avoid applying new systems to bad workflows and ensure your implementation is off to a good start.  

Mapping the patient's complete care experience 

We perform expert clinical and business workflow mapping, designing and engineering, encompassing core operational processes such as:

  • Identifying how first contact is made with or by a patient for an episode of care
  • Approval and scheduling of an appointment or procedure
  • Arrival at a hospital or clinic
  • Registration or admission
  • Device and equipment usage
  • Simple and complex medical services and treatment provided
  • Discharge, follow-up and rechecks  

Our customized clinical and business workflow gap analyses will map the process and any changes that need to be made in operations. We target areas where technology may be of help or hindrance to assure an optimal future state.

In every aspect of your implementation, upgrade or optimization we fully incorporate the integrated workflows:

  • Vendor selection
  • Specifications requirements
  • Design and plan
  • Build/development
  • Testing
  • Training
  • Activation/Go-Live/Roll-out
  • Production Support
  • Ongoing Operations
  • Regulations Requirements (such as clinical quality measures, Meaningful Use, reimbursement models, etc.)

Contact us today for a business process or clinical workflow redesign consultation!
Contact us today for a business process or clinical workflow redesign consultation!